new album out now

new album out now
TJ - The Rainbow Bridge

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Rainbow Bridge - new album in progress

The rainbow bridge is the one bridge we will all have to cross one day - what is on the other side? Is there another side?

Well, that depends on your hopes, dreams and beliefs ...

Suffice it to say that award-winning songwriter Thomas "TJ" Janak's songs about love, loss and life will allow you to enjoy an hour of music even if the rainbow bridge is still miles away.

For TJ it is a place of myth and his mellow electronica is a great vehicle to explore your own world inside your mind.

After such illustrous CD titles like "Love Letters From Cyberspace" or "Painted Dreams" this will be yet another soft yet powerful album.

Enjoy one track already HERE

The album will hopefully be finished by spring 2012

In the meantime please visit TJ's website and/or come back here for updates